
Beautiful Forever Show and Comic Book Reads

Lunar Scout | Digital | Temporary Tattoo | ©2013 Darla Okada

This is my piece for Light Grey Art Lab's Beautiful Forever show! The concept for the show is really cool: temporary tattoos! The work of 40 artists is available to see in their online gallery, and you can also purchase them for $10 in their shop. It was really fun working on this design, especially since this was my first 100% digital illustrative piece! *pat on the back* I hope you like it, and be sure to check out what the other artists created! I feel very honored to have my temporary tats on display with some talented people. 

The Nao of Brown by Glyn Dillon

The Arrival by Shaun Tan

Tales From Outer Suburbia by Shaun Tan

Tokyo on Foot by Florent Chavouet

And now for comics! From my last loot of comic books/ graphic novels, these four were my absolute favorite and I had to read them twice before returning them to the library. Well, I read The Arrival more like 3 times... Each had an excellent story, with the exception of Tokyo on Foot which is a journal, but I loved the stories he told with his illustrations. I don't want to say much more besides I highly recommend them! Issue 11 of Saga is released tomorrow so I get to make a trip to Boulder and see my little brother!

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